How To Build A Sewer Invert

When building a sewer invert, it is important to excavate down to the correct depth, and then slope the trench appropriately so that water will flow through the sewer pipe. The pipe must also be properly supported so that it does not sag or collapse under its own weight.

How To Build A Sewer Invert

Building a sewer invert is a process that is used to create a smooth surface for a sewer pipe to rest on. This is usually done by creating a trench and then filling it with concrete. The concrete will help to stabilize the area and keep the sewer pipe in place.

– Shovel – Wheelbarrow – Level – Tape measure – String or rope – Chisel – Hammer – Pry bar – Saw

  • Dig a trench the desired width and depth of the sewer invert
  • Set precast concrete sewer inverts into the trench fill in the trench around the sewer
  • Lay a base of gravel or crushed stone in the trench

-location of sewer invert -type of soil -depth of sewer invert -materials for sewer invert -equipment for sewer invert

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Invert In Pipe?

An invert in pipe is the bottom of the pipe.

How Do You Calculate The Invert Level Of A Sewer?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on the specific sewer in question. However, one way to calculate the invert level of a sewer is to measure the depth of the water in the sewer and subtract the depth of the sewer itself.

What Is An Inlet Invert?

An inlet invert is the bottom of an inlet pipe, which is usually at a lower elevation than the surrounding ground. This creates a negative pressure (suction) that helps to draw water into the system.


When building a sewer invert, it is important to use the correct type of pipe and to ensure that the pipe is properly graded. The invert should also be properly sealed to prevent wastewater from seeping out.

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