How To Remove Toilet Paper Holder From Wall No Screws

Removing a toilet paper holder from the wall without screws can be a bit tricky, but with a little patience it can be done. The first step is to determine if the holder is attached to the wall with screws or with adhesive. If there are screws, they can be removed with a screwdriver. If the holder is attached with adhesive, it can be removed by using a putty knife to pry it away from the wall.

How To Remove Toilet Paper Holder From Wall No Screws

There are a few ways to remove a toilet paper holder from the wall without screws. One way is to use a drill to create a hole in the wall near the base of the holder. Insert a screwdriver or other tool into the hole and twist to loosen the holder. Another way is to use a hammer and chisel to chip away at the grout around the holder until it can be pulled out of the wall.

-A screwdriver -A drill -A power drill bit -Tape measure -Pencil -Level -Stud finder

  • Remove screws from toilet paper holder
  • If needed, use a screwdriver to remove screws from wall put screws back into wall and holder replace screws in holder
  • Pull holder from wall

below -If the toilet paper holder is attached to the wall with screws, use a screwdriver to remove them. -If the toilet paper holder is attached to the wall with adhesive, use a utility knife to score the adhesive and then pull the holder off of the wall.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Remove Toilet Paper Holder From Toilet?

There are a few ways to remove a toilet paper holder from a toilet. One way is to use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the holder in place. Another way is to use pliers to loosen the nut that holds the holder in place.

What Tool Do You Need To Remove Toilet Paper Holder?

To remove a toilet paper holder, you will need a screwdriver.

What Is The Thing That Holds Your Toilet Paper Called?

The flange is the thing that holds your toilet paper in place.

In Summary

There is no one definitive way to remove a toilet paper holder from the wall without screws. However, some methods that may be effective include using a power drill with a socket attachment, using a hammer and chisel, or using a hacksaw.

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