How To Take Off Door Knob With No Screws

There are a few ways to take off a door knob with no screws. One way is to use a putty knife to pry off the decorative plate. Another way is to use a flathead screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the knob in place. Once the screws are removed, the knob should come off easily.

3 Steps to Take Off Door Knob With No Screws

There are a few ways to take off a door knob with no screws. The first is to use a flat head screwdriver to pry the knob off. The second is to use a pair of needle nose pliers to twist the knob off. The third is to use a putty knife to pry the knob off.

It is important to learn how to take off a door knob with no screws because this skill can come in handy in a number of different situations. For example, if you are moving into a new home and your door knobs do not have screws, you will need to know how to take them off in order to replace them with your own. Additionally, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to get into a room but the door knob has no screws, learning how to take it off can be a lifesaver.

Step 1: Remove The Screws On The Doorknob

If there are no screws on the door knob, then the knob is most likely held on by a pin in the center of the knob. To remove the door knob, insert a small screwdriver or knife into the hole in the center of the knob and push until the pin pops out. Once the pin is removed, the door knob can be pulled off.

Step 2: Take Off The Doorknob

To remove a doorknob with no screws, first locate the set screw on the underside of the knob. Once the set screw is located, use a screwdriver to remove it. With the set screw removed, the doorknob should come off easily. If the doorknob is stuck, try gently wiggling it back and forth until it comes loose.

Step 3: There Should Be A Retaining Screw On The Inside Of The Door That Holds The Latch In Place. Remove This Screw And The Latch Will Come Out

If there is no screw on the inside of the door holding the latch in place, the latch can be removed by gently prying it out with a screwdriver or other thin object.

To Summarize

The best way to take off a door knob without screws is to use a door knob removal tool. These tools are available at most hardware stores and can be easily used to remove the door knob.

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